Bachelor Program Geosciences
Bachelor Program Geosciences
In the Bachelor program Geosciences we normally offer all major oral and written module exams in the last week of the lecture period and the first week of the semester break.
Exams belonging to modules of the previous semester are offered again in the first two weeks of the lecture period. For block courses, lab- and and field exercises different dates apply.
Examination forms
Each module is completed with a module examination. It can consist of one or more results (graded and/or not graded). Details, in particular the number, type and scope of records and how they are weighted for the module grade, are determined in the module description.
Module Examination A module concludes with a single exam. If the exam is graded, the mark counts for 100% of the module grade. If it is not graded but concludes with pass or failed, this module is not included in the calculation of the final Bachelor grade.
Combined Marks A module examination can consist of several exams, graded and not graded. Every exam within a module examination with combined marks must be passed. The calculation of the module grade is up to the module coordinator. Only the module grade is visible in Pabo.
Partial Examinations A partial examination completes a single course within a module. The mark will count for the module grade in the amount of credits the course is quoted.
You can only take part in an examination if you have registered for it in Pabo by the deadline. Registration and cancellation deadlines for each module are specified in Pabo. If you are unable to register for an examination because, for example, your module does not appear in Pabo, the module has not yet been activated for registration or technical problems occur, please write an e-mail to the Examinations Office (see contact) and your examiner immediately, giving details of your problem. The e-mail must contain the following information:
• Full name, matriculation number
• VAK number and full name of the module of your examination
• Name of the lecturer
• Reason for not registering independently
If your registration problem cannot be resolved by the examination date, this e-mail with the date it was sent is proof that you tried to register in good time, i.e. within the registration deadline. Teachers are instructed to refuse your participation in examinations if you have not registered by the deadline.
In the event of illness, please contact the Examinations Office immediately (see contact) and submit the "application for sick leave" together with a doctor's certificate to the Examinations Office as soon as possible. An e-mail with the pdf file of the application and medical certificate will also be accepted.
All students who wish to complete a voluntary additional module cannot register for it in Pabo. You can either register for the examination at the Examination Office or submit the course certificate issued by the lecturer for the examination you have passed to the Examinations Office so that the grade or pass mark can be entered.
All minor subject students, part-time students and visiting students do not have access to Pabo and must register for the examination directly with the lecturer in good time.
Repetition deadline
With the first application in PABo for an examination of a module starts a period with a total of 5 semesters in which the entire module has to be successfully completed. If the deadline has passed without having completed the module`s exams, the compulsory deregistration will follow. Cancellation of registration for an exam in case of illness as well as holiday semesters are not counted.
Irrespectively you must register in PABo for any further exam-try you would like to take.
Direct to
Examination dates
Office hours:
Thursday 10:00 - 12:00
or by appointment
Office hours:
Thursday 10:00 - 12:00
or by appointment