Earth-System Data Analysis
Lecturers: Ute Merkel, Michael Schulz
In this course, the students learn about the analysis of climate data stemming from 4-dimensional observations or climate models, i.e., gridded data in time and space.
- ability to transfer modeling concept to simple geoscientific problems
- ability to analyse 4-dimensional climate data
oral exam
mündliche Prüfung
Kendal McGuffie, Ann Henderson-Sellers: The Climate Modelling Primer, 4th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 456 pp.,2014.
Hartmann, Dennis L.: Global Physical Climatology. Elsevier, 2nd edition, 498 pp., 2016.
1st SWS: Observational methods and networks; measured and derived quantities; interpolation of data (gridding)
2nd SWS: Text and binary (netCDF) file formats and visualization of 4-dimensional data
3rd SWS: Reading and writing netCDF files in Python I
4th SWS: Reading and writing netCDF files in Python II
5th SWS: Analyzing the mean state (annual, seasonal, climatological); diagnosing heat transport
6th SWS: Detection of changes in the mean state (simple hyp. testing, t-test)
7th SWS: Temporal characteristics - spectral anaylsis
8th SWS: Spatial patterns I - correlation analysis
9th SWS: Spatial patterns II - eigenfunction
10th SWS: Climate modes; exercise North Atlantic Oscillation and ENSO
11th SWS: Tele-connections in the climate system (e.g. ENSO)
12th SWS: Data-model comparison I (ex. Re-Analysis period)
13th SWS: Data-model comparison II (exercise paleo application; Last Glacial Maximum)
14th SWS: Analysis of future projections (exercise comparison of mean states)
Programmierung mit Python
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Earth-System Modeling and Data Analysis
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise (L+E)
3. Year of Study
3 CP
Summer Term
Course Language
German and English
Contact Person

Dr. Ute Merkel
GEO 5370R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65440

Dr. Ute Merkel
GEO 5370R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65440

Dr. Ute Merkel
GEO 5370R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65440

Dr. Ute Merkel
GEO 5370R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65440