Aquatic Geochemistry
The content of this module serves the practical and theoretical implementation of the knowledge gained in modules 1&2 (05-BMG-GC1: Geochemical Processes and Isotope Geochemistry).
An important learning objective is to consider concrete questions in their entire context in order to a) select or apply the most promising methods for successful processing and b) consider potentially influencing boundary parameters when interpreting measurement data. The processing of the set tasks takes place in guided small groups.
Learning outcomes, targeted competencies:
1) Conception of an own field study
2) Conduct of this study in the field (sampling and initial measurements)
3) Laboratory experiments, analyses in the laboratory and model-based recording of the results
4) Presentation, discussion and documentation of the results achieved
Evaluated is the active participation (the demonstrated competence in planning and conducting the investigations in the field and in the laboratory) as well as the presentation of results and quality of the written project report.
As this is a project internship, attendance at the joint appointments (preliminary meeting, field studies, laboratory work, discussion of results, presentation) is compulsory!
project exercise report
1) Schulz, H.D. and Zabel, M., "Marine Geochemistry" Springer
2) Burdige, D.J., "Geochemistry of Marine Sediments" Princeton
3) Sarmiento, J.L. and Gruber, N., "Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics"
1st teaching week:
2nd teaching week:
3rd teaching week:
4th teaching week:
5th teaching week:
6th teaching week:
7th teaching week:
8th teaching week:
9th teaching week:
10th teaching week:
11th teaching week:
12th teaching week:
13th teaching week:
14th teaching week:
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Applied Geochemistry
Course Type
Project Exercise (PE)
3. Year of Study
6 CP
Summer Term
Course Language
German and English
Contact Person

Sediment Geochemistry
PD Dr. Matthias Zabel
NW2 C2350R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65103

Sediment Geochemistry
PD Dr. Matthias Zabel
NW2 C2350R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65103