Introduction to Paleontology
Lecturers: Jens Lehmann
Introduction: Systematic palaeontology of marine invertebrates
Classification practise: Arthropods
Classification practice: Molluscs
Classification practice: Graptolithes and Brachiopods
Classification practice: Echinoderms
Classification practice: Trace fossils
Mineralogy and ultrastructure of marine invertebrate skeletons
Hands-on taphonomy and Fossillagerstätten
Recognizing index fossils exemplified by key exercise material
Biostratigraphical application
Palaeobiogeographic patterns
Samples of fossil associations: Practial palaeoecological interpretation of reef communities
Basic knowledge of constructional morphology of invertebrate fossils, their evolution and ecological meaning. Independent recognition of main invertebrate fossil groups and identification of significant taxa. Basic knowledge of their stratigraphical occurrence and being able to interprete the taphonomic history of individual specimens.
1) Handouts will be provided in the course
2) Jain, S. (2017): Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology. Macrofossils. - Springer Geology, Springer.
3) Clarkson, E. N. K. (1998): Invertebrate palaeontology and evolution. - Blackwell Publishers, London.
4) Mutterlose, J. (2018): Einführung in die Paläobiologie Teil 1. Allgemeine Paläontologie. - Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
5) Amler, M., Schmude, J., Cyffka, B. (2014): Allgemeine Paläontologie. - wbg Academic, Darmstadt.
1st SWS: Introduction: Systematic palaeontology of marine invertebrates
2nd SWS: Introduction: Systematic palaeontology of marine invertebrates
3rd SWS: Classification practise: Arthropods
4th SWS: Classification practice: Molluscs
5th SWS: Classification practice: Graptolithes and Brachiopods
6th SWS: Classification practice: Echinoderms
7th SWS: Classification practice: Trace fossils
8th SWS: Mineralogy and ultrastructure of marine invertebrate skeletons
9th SWS: Hands-on taphonomy and Fossillagerstätten
10th SWS: Recognizing index fossils exemplified by key exercise material
11th SWS: Biostratigraphical application
12th SWS: Palaeobiogeographic patterns
13th SWS: Samples of fossil associations: Practial palaeoecological interpretation of reef communities
14th SWS: Exam
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Introduction to Paleontology and Paleoecology
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise (L+E)
Second Year of Study
3 CP
Summer Term
Course Language
Contact Person

Geowissenschaftliche Sammlung
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
GEO 5040R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65016

Geowissenschaftliche Sammlung
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
GEO 5040R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65016

Geowissenschaftliche Sammlung
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
GEO 5040R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65016

Geowissenschaftliche Sammlung
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
GEO 5040R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65016