Introduction to Geoscientific Fieldwork
Lecturers: Gesine Mollenhauer, Thomas Westerhold
Content and aim of the course: The course serves to impart basic geological skills in the field ("Skills in the field"). In a four-day field event, the students are introduced to the geological methods and working methods in the field. Basics of regional geology, stratigraphy and tectonics are worked out using selected outcrops. The focus, however, is on the participants` independent work under supervision. Own sketches of outcrops should be created and the tectonic measurement of a fold structure should be carried out with the geological compass. In a geological profile recording, the rock is used in the terrain. After instructions for geological mapping and inspection of a standard profile, the participants carry out a first small geological mapping in small groups on a scale of 1: 10,000. The areas, which are up to two kilometers long and a few hundred meters wide, are located in easily mapped sequences of the Paleo and Mesozoic Era of the Harz uprighting zone. The field exercise is carried out in the Harz, in the straightening zone on the north-eastern edge of the Harz and the subhercyneal basin to the north.
A general understanding of the geoscientific fundamentals imparted in the module is expected (basic geological processes, formation and composition of the most important rock groups, understanding and interpretation of geological maps).
After successfully participating in the on-site event, the students should be able to independently carry out the following geological activities:
- rock address in the area,
- drawing of geological outcrops,
- geological profile recording,
- simple structural measurements,
- simple geological mapping.
These skills are a prerequisite for participating in the geological mapping course.
Abilities in the field
written exam
will be provided
1st Day: Sedimentgesteine im Ausfschluß, tektonische Messung, Anfertigung Skizzen
2nd Day: Magmatische Gesteinskörper, Gefügeaufnahme im Gelände
3rd Day: Abfolge lithostratigraphischer Gesteinseinheiten und ihre Darstellung
4th Day: Kleine geologische Kartierung
5th Day:
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
13th Day:
14th Day:
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Introduction to Earth Dynamics
Course Type
Field Exercise (F)
First Year of Study
2 CP
Winter Term
Course Language
Contact Person

Organic Sedimentology
Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 2456

Organic Sedimentology
Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 2456

Dr. Thomas Westerhold
MARUM1 0220
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65672

Dr. Thomas Westerhold
MARUM1 0220
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65672

Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 2456

Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 2456