Principles and Methods of Magnetic Exploration
Lecturers: Sebastian Uhlemann
1. Introduction to non-seismic exploration targets – environmental, archaeological, hydrological, engineering problems
2. Recap of non-seismic exploration methods (Gravimetry, Magnetics, ERT, EM, GPR)
3. Soil- and petrophysical properties
4. Efficient survey design, consideration of site constraints
5. Data acquisition and filtering strategies of ERT data
6. Modelling and inversion of ERT data with ResIPy
7. Filtering and processing strategies of EM data with Aarhus Workbench
8. Modelling and inversion of EM data
9. Interpretation of ERT and EM data
10. Ground magnetic data processing with Geosoft Oasis Montaj
11. Further processing, visualization, and interpretation of magnetic data
12. Introduction to excursion targets, excursion survey design
13. Applications of non-seismic surveying in mineral and groundwater exploration
14. Applications in archaeology and engineering geology
- Understand the opportunities and limitations of non-seismic surveying techniques for hydrological, environmental, archaeological, and mineral exploration targets
- Design a field survey responding to a given problem
- Process, visualize, analyze, evaluate and report non-seismic survey datasets with competent use of state-of-the-art processing and modelling techniques and software packages
Part 1 of team report detailing a problem-specific survey design
1) Reynolds JM (2011) An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2) Knödel K, Lange G, Voigt H-J (2007) Environmental Geology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg
3) Powerpoint slides und special publications made available in Stud.IP
1st SWS: Introduction to non-seismic exploration targets – environmental, archaeological, hydrological, engineering, mining problems
2nd SWS: Recap of non-seismic exploration methods (Gravimetry, Magnetics, ERT, EM, GPR)
3rd SWS: Soil- and petrophysical properties
4th SWS: Efficient survey design, consideration of site constraints
5th SWS: Data acquisition and filtering strategies of ERT data
6th SWS: Modelling and inversion of ERT data with ResIPy
7th SWS: Filtering and processing strategies of EM data with Aarhus Workbench
8th SWS: Modelling and inversion of EM data
9th SWS: Interpretation of ERT and EM data
10th SWS: Ground magnetic data processing with Geosoft Oasis Montaj
11th SWS: Further processing, visualization, and interpretation of magnetic data
12th SWS: Introduction to excursion targets, excursion survey design
13th SWS: Applications of non-seismic surveying in mineral and groundwater exploration
14th SWS: Applications in archaeology and engineering geology
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
Magnetic Exploration
Vorlesung, Übung (V+Ü)
3. Studienjahr
3 CP
nur Englisch

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65310

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65310

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65310

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65310