Master Program Applied Geosciences
research seminar
Master Program Applied Geosciences
research seminar
Under the guidance of a teacher, students will develop a concept for their master thesis based on a current geoscientific topic during the Geoscientific Research Seminar. At the first meeting, students should have already decided on the topic and should have identified their possible supervisors.
In small tutor groups, strategies to create and present a concept in form of a proposal are developed. In addition techniques for scientific research (e.g. literature, electronic databases), developing of hypotheses, and presenting of scientific results are mediated, as well as settings for good scientific practice.
Time schedule
Short talks on the following topics will be developed and discussed in two stages:
(1) Overview of the current state of research of the specific topic, motivation.
(2) Problems, hypotheses, methodical approach, time schedule.
Finally, the concept will be defended and discussed with an expert commission, consisting of the teachers and future supervisors.
Students with similar content- and/or methodically related research plans are encouraged to work in teams, if applicable.
Basic data
Preparation for the master thesis
15 CP
Registration with topic and supervisor name until Oct 31.

Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
Dr. Torsten Bickert
MARUM1 3070

Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
Dr. Torsten Bickert
MARUM1 3070