Master Program Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy

Standard period of study: 2 years, 120 ECTS CP
Teaching language: English
Specifics: study profiles chemistry, mineralogy
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
– Bachelor degree in chemistry, materials science or geosciences with a specialization in crystallography or mineralogy
– At least 10 of the Bachelor credits in mathematics, chemistry and physics
– At least 24 of the Bachelor credits in mineralogy, crystallography, materials science or chemistry
– English proficiency B2.2 (teaching language)
– Confident use of information technology
– Ability to work independently and in team
– Intercultural competence
– 50% pass in our subject-specific aptitude test
This Master degree program is designed as a two-year full-time study. The compulsory introductory semester includes lectures and exercises in mineralogy, crystallography, solid state and surface chemistry, materials science and a broad training in analytical methods. Thereafter, modules can be selected from a chemical or a mineralogical profile, in which more specialized topics and skills are taught. The General Studies module includes a programming course and interdisciplinary courses. Two research modules in the third semester give space to independent work on smaller research projects. The fourth semester is reserved for the Master thesis.
Solid State Synthesis and Characterization, Structure Property Relationships, Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Computational Materials Science, Solid State Spectroscopy, Multiple (Large) Dataset Analysis
Crystal Structure Analysis, Physical Props. of Crystals, Minerals and Materials, Petrological Methods in Ore Geology, Functional Ceramics, Techn. Ceramics, Nanomaterials, Special Topics in Mineralogy and Materials Science.
Occupations are found e.g. in the glass, ceramics, paper, dye, pharmaceutical and building materials industries, electronics, energy supply and storage, crystal growing, refractory materials, gemstones, recycling, waste utilization and remediation, quality control, and patenting.

Study program officer
Prof. Dr. Ella Schmidt
GEO 2340
+49 421 218 - 65160

Referee for study affairs Geosciences
Dr. Ulrike Wolf-Brozio
GEO 1330
+49 421 218 - 65004