05-BMG-CP2 Chemical Principles of Geosciences II
Representative Marcus Elvert
This module will establish basic practical knowledge in chemical laboratory techniques and a theoretical background of relevance to geoscientists in aquatic chemistry, organic chemistry and chemistry of rocks. We will convey basic knowledge regarding the origin of the solar systems and chemical elements as well as the chemical composition of the Earth. These basics are essential for all geochemisty related subjects in subsequent semesters.
Basic geochemical concepts such as fluxes, reservoirs, and residence times will be illustrated with examples. Isotopes are introduced and their utility as geochemical tracers as well as sources of information about geobiological processes will demonstrated with examples. The hydrological cycle will be introduced. Emphasis will be placed on the physical and chemical properties of water, physicochemical reactions in solution, and on water-rock reactions. In organic chemistry, we will introduce chemical compound classes, natural products, and introductory knowledge in stereochemistry. Die knowledge will be required for an understanding of the composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks. Chemical degradation reactions that occur in nature on a range of temporal scales will be treated. Additionally, relevant basic knowledge in analytical techniques such as chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry will be discussed.
The practical laboratory techniques will focus on basic operations such as pipetting, dilution of solutions, and the determination of simple chemical parameters. Additionally, basic knowledge in stoichiometry and chemical formulas will be established during experiments and their evaluation.
1) The students will gain basic knwoledge of chemical principles that are relevant to the geosciences and required for subsequent emphasis of geochemistry as well as a mechanistic understanding of numerous general investigative techniques within the geosciences.
2) The students will have gained an in-depth understanding of chemical processes from theory and experimentation. The experiments cover basic chemical phenomena, principles and introductory analytical chemistry.
3) The students will understand the principles of qualitative chemical analyses and are able to conduct these analyses in the lab.
4) Students will acquire team competencies and the ability to carefully plan, execute, document and evaluate experiments.
Participation in module Chemical Principles of Geosciences I, high-school level knowledge in Chemistry and Mathematics
Course Type 1: Lecture (L) 4.0 SWS ( 56.0 h)
Course Type 2: Exercise (E) 2.0 SWS ( 28.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:84.0 h presence time
56.0 h self-study
40.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
module exam
exam elements: 1
SL: 1
100 % written exam
0 % internship report
A written report documenting the experiments and their evaluation needs to be completed and passed at the 70% level.
1) Walther: Essentials of Geochemistry, 2008. Cambridge University Press
2) Rampf und Sammer: Chemie. Organische Chemie. Grundwissen, 2004. Langenscheidt
3) Langmuir: Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry, 1996. Prentice Hall
4) A set of written guidelines, safety instructions, and description of the experiments performed in the lab course will be made available via Stud.IP before the lab course.
Basic Data
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Type
First Year of Study
Offering Departement
Course LanguageEnglish
6 CP
Wiss. Dir. Dr. Marcus Elvert
MARUM1 2620
Wiss. Dir. Dr. Marcus Elvert
MARUM1 2620