05-BMG-CP1 Chemical Principles of Geosciences I
Representative Mohammad Mangir Murshed
Students take a course in General Chemistry offered by lectures from the Chemistry Department. The module encompasses a lecture series and an exercise part, in which the theoretical topics from the lectures will be applied. The courses aim at providing geoscience students the required fundamental of inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. These fundamentals are key to using a range of methods in geoscience, to which the students will be exposed in the course of the B.Sc. program.
1) Refreshing basic knowledge in general chemistry
2) Recognizing the relations between chemical composition and properties of materials
3) Mastering the fundamentals required for attending of the advanced classes in the string of modules.
4) Mastering stoichiometric calculations
Course Type 1: Lecture (L) 4.0 SWS ( 56.0 h)
Course Type 2: Exercise (E) 2.0 SWS ( 28.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:84.0 h presence time
56.0 h self-study
40.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
module exam
exam elements: 1
SL: 0
100 % written exam
Introductory books to chemistry
Basic Data
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Type
First Year of Study
Offering Departement
FB2 Biology/Chemistry
Course LanguageEnglish
6 CP
Dr. Mohammad Mangir Murshed
NW2 C3271