Introduction to Sedimentology
Lecturers: Elda Miramontes García
Cycle of sedimentary rocks and processes of sediment formation basics: granulometry, porosity/permeability, processes of sediment transport, diagnostics of sediment structures Climate belts and sedimentation areas on earth. An overview characteristics of the most important sediment types: alluvial sediments and fluvial types, aeolian sediments, glacigenic sediments, carbonate and clastic coastal sediments, deep-marine sediments.
Learning objectives
- To impart basic knowledge of sediment formation and sediment transport as well as the course of sedimentological processes in space and time.
- Acquisition of a basic understanding of the structure and interlocking of depositional areas and facies belts as well as their diagnostic sedimentological structural inventory and their control mechanisms in the various climate belts of the earth.
- Training of spatial and temporal imagination.
- Promotion of process-orientated thinking by applying basic physical, chemical and biological knowledge to the formation of sediments.
mündliche Prüfung
1) Gary Nichols (2009). Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell. 432 pp. ISBN 1405135921, 9781405135924
2) Richard C. Selley (2000). Applied Sedimentology. Academic Press, San Diego. 521 pp. ISBN 0-12- 636375-7
3) Mike Leeder (1999). Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins. Blackwell, Oxford. 592 pp. ISBN 0-632- 04976-6
4) Harold G. Reading (Ed.) (1996). Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy. Blackwell, Oxford. 688 pp. ISBN 0-632-03627-3
Supportive digital teaching material available
1st SWS: Processes of sediment formation
2nd SWS: Grain size, porosity, permeability
3rd SWS: Sediment dynamics
4th SWS: Sedimentary structures
5th SWS: Glacigenic sediments
6th SWS: Fluvial and alluvial sediments, rivers and lakes
7th SWS: Aeolian sdiments
8th SWS: Deltas
9th SWS: Clastic coasts and estuaries
10th SWS: Carbonates
11th SWS: Deep-marine sediments I
12th SWS: Deep-marine sediments II
13th SWS: Revision
14th SWS: Exam
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Geology and Stratigraphy of Marine Sediments
Course Type
Lecture (L)
Second Year of Study
2 CP
Winter Term
Course Language
Contact Person

Prof. Dr. Elda Miramontes García
GEO 2560R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65200

Prof. Dr. Elda Miramontes García
GEO 2560R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65200

Prof. Dr. Elda Miramontes García
GEO 2560R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65200

Prof. Dr. Elda Miramontes García
GEO 2560R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65200