Programming with Python
Lecturers: Paul Benjamin Klar
Python is a programming language with a very smooth learning curve and is ideal for getting started with programming. Python also offers the advantage that the language is very popular and widespread, so that there is already a powerful Python tool for many problems.
In this block course, the basics of Python are taught so that you can use Python to get small and large tasks (homework, theses, etc.) done efficiently.
1. ChatGPT: Why should I still learn Python?
2. our Python playground: Jupyter notebooks
3. syntax: Commands that are understood by a computer
4. data types: numbers, strings, lists, and more
5. operators: addition, subtraction, and many more
6. conditional statements: what if?
7. loops: powerful code in 2 lines
8. functions: make your code sustainable
9. 200,000+ packages: Your solution already exists
10. errors, exceptions, exception handling
11. reading and writing files: input output
12. Numpy: powerful tool for numerical calculations
13. Pandas: powerful tool for data sets
14. Plot your data
15. Object-oriented programming: everything is an object
16. GUI: Graphical User Interface
- Participants actively use the programming language Python.
- Write, read and understand Python code.
- Learning Python greatly simplifies the introduction to any other programming language (C++, Fortran, Matlab, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP, etc.).
A small Python program must be written and uploaded to Stud.IP. Standard components of the program are: Reading in data, processing the data, visualizing (plotting) the results.
Bearbeitung von Übungsaufgaben
There are dozens of online tutorials and resources:
German tutorial:
Gamified tutorial (registration required):
1st Day: Installation, basics, loops
2nd Day: functions, packages, read and write files
3rd Day: numpy, pandas, plot, OOP
4th Day: Deepen and repeat, programming project
5th Day: programming project
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
13th Day:
14th Day:
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Digital Competences
Course Type
block course (BK)
Second Year of Study
1.5 CP
1.5 SWS
Summer Term
Course Language
German and English
Contact Person

Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Dr. Paul Benjamin Klar
GEO 3360R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65177

Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Dr. Paul Benjamin Klar
GEO 3360R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65177

Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Dr. Paul Benjamin Klar
GEO 3360R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65177

Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Dr. Paul Benjamin Klar
GEO 3360R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65177