Geoscientific Vector Graphics with COREL
Lecturers: Gerhard Bartzke, Tilo von Dobeneck
Draw, fill, label, and organize vector graphics to scale
Draw and combine bezier lines, create surface patterns and signatures
- Creation of sophisticated vector graphics from the draft to professionally realized illustrations (geological map, technical drawings, schematic illustration)
- Mastery of drawing tools, step-by-step construction of an illustration using change and object managers
- Integration of raster graphics
For course recognition, an individually assigned geological map section must be drawn completely and correctly as COREL vector graphic and uploaded to Stud.IP.
Bearbeitung von Übungsaufgaben
1) Course materials
2) Online manuals
1st Day: Draw, fill, label, and organize vector graphics with digital drawing tools
2nd Day: Trace and combine free forms with Bezier lines, create colors, area patterns and signatures
3rd Day:
4th Day:
5th Day:
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
13th Day:
14th Day:
Notebook-Pool, Vektor- und Rastergrafik mit Corel
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Digital Competences
Course Type
block course (BK)
Second Year of Study
0.5 CP
0.5 SWS
Summer Term
Course Language
German and English
Contact Person

Marine Geophysik
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65311

Marine Geophysik
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65311

Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65311

Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65311

Dr. Gerhard Bartzke
MARUM2 3010
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65870

Dr. Gerhard Bartzke
MARUM2 3010
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65870