Data Processing with EXCEL
Lecturers: Gerhard Bartzke, Tilo von Dobeneck
Data Processing with Spreadsheets: Basic Principles, Data Types, EXCEL Syntax
Import data: convert ASCII to EXCEL formats, format, calibrate and sort data
Visualize data: Select, apply and optimize EXCEL diagram types
Calculate with case-dependence: conditional, logical, and information functions in EXCEL
Select and analyze data: Search, reference and statistics functions in EXCEL
Process geodata sets with EXCEL: Develop adapted solution strategies
- numerically and logically process, statistically analyze and graphically display geoscientific data using EXCEL spread-sheet calculation
- develop individual solution strategies for specific tasks in geoscientific data processing and implement suitable algorithms with basic and advanced EXCEL functions
Invidual EXCEL coursework/homework
1) Own course material and exercise files "EXCEL for Geos" #1 - #6 (Download Stud.IP)
2) Online information on EXCEL
1st Day: Data Processing with Spreadsheets: Basic Principles, Data Types, EXCEL Syntax
2nd Day: Import data: convert ASCII to EXCEL formats, format, calibrate and sort data
3rd Day: Visualize data: Select, apply and optimize EXCEL diagram types
4th Day: Calculate with case-dependence: conditional, logical, and information functions in EXCEL
5th Day: Select and analyze data: Search, reference and statistics functions in EXCEL
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
13th Day:
14th Day:
Notebook-Pool, Tabellenkalkulation mit Excel
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Digital Competences
Blockkurs (BK)
Second Year of Study
1.5 CP
1.5 SWS
Summer Term
Deutsch und Englisch

Marine Geophysik
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65311

Marine Geophysik
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65311

Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65311

Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65311

Dr. Gerhard Bartzke
MARUM2 3010
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65870

Dr. Gerhard Bartzke
MARUM2 3010
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65870