Geophysical Field Exercise
Lecturers: Graeme Eagles, Thomas Frederichs, Wolfram Geissler, Tilmann Schwenk, Sebastian Uhlemann
Practical geophysical field measurements in groups of 8 during a two-day station field exercise in the Borgfelder Wümmewiesen.
After division into e.g. 4-8 groups of 8 people (depending on the number of participants), each group carries out two methods over 4 hours on two days according to a general plan.
- carry out practical, case-dependent, meaningful measurement strategies on an engineering geophysical scale and evaluate them in an elementary manner
- create methodically correct and linguistically and graphically appealing reports of your own field measurements using evaluation and graphics software
In each group of 8, teams of two students take over the evaluation of the results of a half-day, i.e. one method. The processed data and the report written on them are submitted online via Stud.IP by the submission date and evaluated by the site organizers according to the written requirements.
schriftlicher Bericht
1) Methodological literature and lecture notes
2) Works and maps on regional geology (Download)
3) For all four practiced field geophysical methods, written requirements of the work steps, results and interpretations to be presented in the reports
1st Day: e.g. seismic survey (morning) and magnetic survey (afternoon)
2nd Day: e.g. gravity survey (morning) and electric survey (afternoon)
3rd Day:
4th Day:
5th Day:
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
13th Day:
14th Day:
Seismik-Apparatur, Feld-Magnetometer, Geoelektrik-Apparatur, Gravimeter, Tabellenkalkulation mit Excel
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Principles of Applied Geophysics
Course Type
Field Exercise (F)
Second Year of Study
3 CP
Winter Term
Course Language
Contact Person

Meerestechnik – Umweltforschung
Dr. Tilmann Schwenk
GEO 4570R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65375

Meerestechnik – Umweltforschung
Dr. Tilmann Schwenk
GEO 4570R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65375

Dr. Tilmann Schwenk
GEO 4570
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65375

Dr. Tilmann Schwenk
GEO 4570
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65375

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65310

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65310

Dr. Graeme Eagles
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1237

Dr. Graeme Eagles
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1237

Dr. Thomas Frederichs
GEO 4040
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65326

Dr. Thomas Frederichs
GEO 4040
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65326
Dr. Wolfram Geissler
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1550