Physics for Natural Science I
Lecturers: Kathrin Sebald, Thorsten Warneke
This lecture teaches the basics in physics, which are needed for the understanding of many geoscientific processes. Within the framework of the "Physics for Natural Scientists I" course, the physical foundations of classical mechanics and optics will be taught. The lecture is accompanied by tutorials, where problem sets are discussed. The course is complemented by 3 physics lab experiments (2 mechanics, 1 optics) as part of "Physics Practicals I".
distance, velocity, acceleration, and the relationships between them, circular motion, Newton’s laws, conservation of momentum and angular momentum, forces, work and energy, energy conservation, Newton’s law of gravitation, accelerated reference frames, inertial forces, rigid body, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics,vibrations and waves
interference, diffraction, scattering, refraction
1) Understanding of the main concepts of classical mechanics and optics
2) Knowledge of the main physics laws in classical mechanics and optics
3) Ability to solve problems (exercise sheets)
4) Apply the physical principles of mechanics and optics within 3 experiments as part of the physics lab experiments.
Written exam, Exercise sheets, Lab experiment protocols
The topics of the lecture can be found in any undergraduate book about general physics. Examples are:
Fundamentals of physics, D. Halliday and R. Resnick, Wiley, Library: Zentrale / Ebene 2 a phy 001 ec/157(8)a
Physics: Principles with applications, D.C. Giancoli, Pearson, Library: Zentrale / Ebene 2 a phy 001 f/360(6)
Principles of physics, H.A. Radi and J. O. Rasmussen, Springer, not available from UBremen library
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Basic Data
01-00-04-PhyNMG2-V/ -Ü, 01-01-
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Physical Principles of Geosciences I
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise, Practical Course (L+E+P)
First Year of Study
4 CP
Winter Term
Course Language
Contact Person

Geophysik - Geodynamik
Prof. Dr. Marta Pérez Gussinyé
GEO 4340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65350

Geophysik - Geodynamik
Prof. Dr. Marta Pérez Gussinyé
GEO 4340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65350
Fachbereich 01 - Umweltphysik
PD Dr. Thorsten Warneke
IUP U3225 R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 62177