Principles of Petrology
Lecturers: Wolfgang Bach
fundamental concepts of the rock cycle, including mantle melting, magmatism, weathering, diagenesis and compaction, subduction and metamophism will be covered in lectures and exercises on the basis of petrological principles. The use of phase diagrams will be tought and practised. Simple calculations will also be conducted to demonstrate the thermodynamic underpinning of phase diagrams. Rock-forming processes in a range of geotectomic settings will also be discussed. Emphasis will be put on how the rock cycle has regulated atmosphere and ocean compostions throughout our planet´s history.
Application of petrological principles in analyzing rock- and mountain-forming processes and how they set ocean composition
Reading phase diagram and conducting simple computations of phase relations
Understanding the role of rock-forming processes and weathering in our planet`s geochemical cycles
written exam
Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Frost and Frost, 2nd edition, 2019, CUP
1st SWS: Introduction and rationale
2nd SWS: 1-component systems, stabil and metastable states
3rd SWS: 2 component systems (Fo-Fa, Ab-An, Ab-Or)
4th SWS: 2-component systems (H2O-NaCl, Di-An, Lc-SiO2, Fo-SiO2)
5th SWS: 3-component systems (Fo-Di-An, Fo-En-An, Di-An-Ab, Qz-Or-Ab)
6th SWS: Formation and properties of slicate melts
7th SWS: Crystallization of silicate melts
8th SWS: Weathering and clay minerals
9th SWS: Mineral dissolution and precipitation
10th SWS: Compaction and diagenesis
11th SWS: Metamorphic reactions
12th SWS: Paragenesis and metamophic facies
13th SWS: Compatibility diagrams and petrogenetic nets
14th SWS: Water-rock reactions and ocean composition
Basic Data
Study Program
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Rock-Forming Processes
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise (L+E)
Second Year of Study
3 CP
Winter Term
Course Language
Contact Person

Petrologie der Ozeankruste
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
GEO 5340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65400

Petrologie der Ozeankruste
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
GEO 5340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65400

Petrologie der Ozeankruste
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
GEO 5340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65400

Petrologie der Ozeankruste
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
GEO 5340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65400