Laboratory Practical General Chemistry
Veranstalter: Jan-Hendrik Hehemann
The laboratory course is a one-week block course in the summer semester. It takes place in a chemistry lab (building NW2, house C, room 2390). Each lab day includes several experiments ("stations`") devoted to a particular chemical topic or group of topics. All stations are supervised by teaching assistants. Experiments are performed in groups of two.
A written instruction, the "Praktikums-Skript", will be published in time before the beginning of the practical via the e-learning portal Stud.IP of the University of Bremen. It contains the experiment instructions, safety information and regularia.
Participation requirements
- User account at the Center for Networks of the University of Bremen (ZfN account) and thus access to Stud.IP.
- Lab coat made of flame retardant cotton and safety goggles. A collective order towards the end of the 1st semester is recommended (information also available from the chemistry lecturers).
- In the lab, long cotton pants (jeans or similar) and closed shoes with flat heels are mandatory.
Prior knowledge
- Content of the lecture General Chemistry (1st semester).
- Basics in practical mathematics (incl. logarithms, simple differential equations).
- For reasons of laboratory safety, it is mandatory to prepare the experiments thoroughly. The assistants will make sure of this by briefly questioning you before starting the experiments.
After successful completion of the chemistry lab course, students have the following competences:
- They know the general safety standards for working in a chemical laboratory. They are able to obtain relevant safety information when required and also to recognize corresponding needs. They are able to handle chemicals and equipment used in the lab (e.g. pressurized gas cylinders, flammable liquids, highly exothermic reactions, cold mixtures, Bunsen burners, etc.) in compliance with relevant regulations.
- Be able to perform basic chemical laboratory operations in a hands-on manner. These include pipetting, preparing solutions, making dilutions and dilution series, using glassware, and pH measurements.
- They have knowledge of stoichiometry and chemical formula language, which enables them to prepare or evaluate chemical experiments or planned conversions quantitatively.
- They have a deepened theoretical knowledge of those chemical relationships from lecture and exercise, which were studied in practical experiments. The contents of the experiments cover all basic chemical principles and the fundamentals of chemical analysis.
- You are able to observe the performed or comparable chemical experiments and to interpret and evaluate them in the context of the situation and/or the question.
- They understand the principle of qualitative chemical analyses and are able to perform them. They are able to interpret macroscopically observable changes in chemical detection reactions.
- They are able to perform simple quantitative chemical analyses and evaluate them using their basic knowledge of chemistry, especially stoichiometry and chemical equilibrium. They know about criteria that quantitatively describe the basal goodness of chemical analyses.
- They are able to document the contents of chemical experiments and to deal with them in writing.
A written laboratory report must be prepared. The lab course instructions contain evaluation questions for each experiment, which are to be worked on for the report. The reports are to be submitted in groups by a specific deadline and will be graded. The internship is considered passed if the experiments in the laboratory have been completed and a certain minimum score has been achieved on the internship report.
There are various works on general chemistry on the market. Please refer to the literature references in the exercises on general chemistry (Module Chemistry 1). The practical script also contains an annotated literature list.
1st SWS:
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Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Chemical Principles of Geosciences II
Vorlesung, Übung (V+Ü)
First Year of Study
2 CP
Summer Term
nur Englisch
MARUM Marine Glykobiologie
Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann
MPI 2126R
Tel.: +49 421 2028 - 7360
MARUM Marine Glykobiologie
Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann
MPI 2126R
Tel.: +49 421 2028 - 7360