05-BGW-HI2 Methods of Hydro- and Engineering Geology
Representative Kay Hamer
Links the fundamentals of engineering and hydrogeology with soil and groundwater protection from a scientific point of view and compares it with the implementation into routine processes according to the Federal Soil Protection Ordinance (BBodSchV).
Presents the principles of remediation concepts for soil and groundwater:
Performance of field surveys, groundwater sampling, grain size reduction, Kf value determination and hydraulic pumping tests
Students acquire the basics of handling contaminated sites and are able to critically evaluate the application of geotechnical soil and groundwater remediation methods
Students acquire the ability to take soil and groundwater samples and evaluate the results
Students improve their ability to apply hydrogeological methods and evaluate the results
Students refine their research for data, present findings in a structured manner and critically discuss them.
Course Type 1: Lecture, Exercise (L+E) 2.0 SWS ( 28.0 h)
Course Type 2: Lecture, Exercise (L+E) 2.0 SWS ( 28.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:56.0 h presence time
64.0 h self-study
60.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
combination exam
exam elements: 2
SL: 0
60 % colloquium
40 % assignment
wird in den Veranstaltungen bekannt gegeben
Basic Data
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
Module Type
3. Year of Study
Offering Departement
FB5 Geosciences
Course LanguageGerman and English
6 CP
Dr. Kay Hamer
GEO 3050
Dr. Kay Hamer
GEO 3050