Layered and Framework Silicates in Mineralogy and Technology
Lecturers: Michael Fischer, Christoph Vogt
Crystal chemistry of layered silicates
Layered silicates in nature
Technological applications of layered silicates
Zeolites and other framework silicates - An overview
Crystal chemistry of zeolites
Natural zeolites
Synthesis and characterization of zeolites
Zeolites, zeotypes, and other ordered porous materials
Applications of zeolites I: Ion exchange
Applications of zeolites II: Adsorption
Applications of zeolites III: Catalysis
Computational modelling of zeolites
Exam preparation
- The students understand the key structural features of layered silicates and zeolites and know about their geological relevance.
- The students understand important applications of these materials, and they can explain how the microscopic structure determines the macroscopic properties relevant for these applications.
There will be a graded exam covering the fundamentals and applications of layered silicates and zeolites.
written exam
- Slides will be distributed during the course
1st SWS: Introduction
2nd SWS: Crystal chemistry of layered silicates
3rd SWS: Layered silicates in nature
4th SWS: Technological applciations of layered silicates
5th SWS: Zeolites and other framework silicates - An overview
6th SWS: Crystal chemistry of zeolites
7th SWS: Natural zeolites
8th SWS: Synthesis and characterization of zeolites
9th SWS: Zeolites, zeotypes, and other ordered porous materials
10th SWS: Applications of zeolites I: Ion exchange
11th SWS: Applications of zeolites II: Adsorption
12th SWS: Applications of zeolites III: Catalysis
13th SWS: Computational modelling of zeolites
14th SWS: Exam preparation
Basic Data
Study Program
Master Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Name
Special Topics in Mineralogy and Materials Science
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise (L+E)
First Year of Study
3 CP
Summer Term
Course Language
Contact Person
Faculty 05: Geosciences
PD Dr. Michael Fischer
GEO 3340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65163
michael.fischeruni-bremen.deFaculty 05: Geosciences
PD Dr. Michael Fischer
GEO 3340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65163
Faculty 05: Geosciences
PD Dr. Michael Fischer
GEO 3340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65163
michael.fischeruni-bremen.deFaculty 05: Geosciences
PD Dr. Michael Fischer
GEO 3340R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65163