05-MAG-GL2 Glaciology II
Beauftragte/r Angelika Humbert
The dynamics of ice sheets and glaciers can be described using continuum mechanics. Within this module, the general concept of continuum mechanics will be introduced. The governing equations of ice sheet dynamnics are derived and discussed. All this builds the foundation of ice sheet models, that will be the last part of the lecture. The lecture is accompanied by a seminar which is discussing the current hot topics in research of glaciers and ice sheets, ranging from observations of glacier systems to simulations of ice sheets.
1) understanding continuum mechanical concepts and their application to glaciology
2) gaining an understanding of ice sheet modelling
3) overview of current frontiers in Antarctic and Arctic glaciological research
Glaciology I
Course Type 1: Lecture (L) 3.0 SWS ( 42.0 h)
Course Type 2: Lecture (L) 2.0 SWS ( 28.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:70.0 h presence time
70.0 h self-study
40.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
combination exam
exam elements: 1
SL: 0
100 % written exam
Klausursprache wird in der LV nach Bedarf der Studierenden festgelegt, Klausur wird in nur einer Sprache angeboten
1) Greve and Blatter, Dynamics of ice sheets and glaciers, Springer
Basic Data
Master Applied Geosciences
Module Type
First Year of Study
Offering Departement
Course LanguageEnglish
6 CP

Prof. Dr. Angelika Humbert


Prof. Dr. Angelika Humbert