Research Seminar Geotechnics in Science and Practice
Lecturers: Matt Ikari
Exciting geotechnical issues with potentially catastrophic consequences in case of misjudgement are presented by the lecturer instructor and explored in depth by the students in the form of publications. These publications are then presented by the students in the form of seminar presentations to all course participants. Quality criteria for the evaluation of applied publications will be developed in the seminar. The students prepare a short essay in which they critically evaluate a publication with regard to its quality.
Topics (depending on the number of participants):
Spannende geotechnische Fragestellungen mit potentiell katastrophalen Auswirkungen bei Fehleinschätzung werden vom Lehrenden vorgestellt und in Form von Publikationen durch die Studierenden vertieft. Diese Publikationen werden dann durch die Studierenden in Form von Seminarvorträgen allen Kursteilnehmern vorgestellt. Qualitätskriterien für die Bewertung von angewandten Publikationen werden im Seminar erarbeitet. Die Studierenden erstellen einen kurzen Aufsatz, in dem sie eine Publikation kritisch auf ihre Qualität hin beurteilen.
Themen (je nach Teilnehmerzahl):
(1) Bothkennar soft clay (Scotland):
- Characterisation of soft clays;
- Influence of sampling on soil behaviour of soft clays;
- Compressibility;
- Permeability
(2) Champlain quick clay (Ottawa, Canada):
- Characterisation of sensitive clays;
- Stabilisation of sensitive clays;
- Compressibility of sensitive clays
(3) Liquefaction in sandy soils (Christchurch, New Zealand):
- Introduction into cyclic soil behaviour;
- Cyclic soil behaviour of different soil types;
- Assessment of liquefaction potential in the field
1) Introduction to advanced problems in engineering geology.
2) Read, understand, evaluate, summarize, and present basic geotechnical engineering problems through published case studies and survey articles.
3) Develop quality criteria for publications on applied geotechnical problems.
Seminar presentation (50%)
Essay (50%)
Other form of examination
Will be announced in the course.
1st Day:
2nd Day:
3rd Day:
4th Day:
5th Day:
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
13th Day:
14th Day:
Basic Data
Study Program
Master Applied Geosciences
Module Name
Engineering Geology / Geotechnics - Fields of Science and engineering design
Course Type
Seminar (S)
1. Year of Study
3 CP
Course Language
German and English
Contact Person

Dr. Matt Ikari
MARUM1 3090R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65659

Dr. Matt Ikari
MARUM1 3090R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65659

Dr. Matt Ikari
MARUM1 3090R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65659

Dr. Matt Ikari
MARUM1 3090R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65659