Field Courses
Field Courses
A wide range of field and laboratory courses are offered (see Courses - 05-MAG-PG2). The integrated analysis includes content from the areas of sedimentology, geochemistry, petrology, structural, geology and geophysics of the study areas including applied aspects such as exploration techniques.
- Expansion and deepening of skills in the field and in the laboratory
- Linking one's own field / laboratory observations with the theoretical background knowledge for the development and understanding of (current) models in the geoscientific context
- Preparation of reports in the context of scientific literature
- Application of advanced field and laboratory methods for an integrated understanding of the processes in the earth system
Info meeting at beginning of December, preliminary registration using form (see downloads) by December 15, then final selection of participants, further information at the preliminary discussions for the respective excursion, binding registration with deposit

Field course representative
Dr. Torsten Bickert
MARUM1 3070

Field course representative
Dr. Torsten Bickert
MARUM1 3070