05-BMG-GC3 Applied Geochemistry
Representative Matthias Zabel
The content of this module serves the practical and theoretical implementation of the knowledge acquired in modules 1&2. An important learning objective is to look at concrete questions in their overall context in order to a) select or apply the most promising methods for successful processing and b) take into account potentially influencing boundary parameters when interpreting measurement data. The tasks are carried out in guided small groups.
1) Conception of an own field study
2) Performance of this study in the field (sampling, first measurements)
3) Laboratory experiments, analyses in the laboratory and - if possible - model-based recording of the results
4) Presentation, discussion and documentation of the results obtained
Thorough knowledge of the contents of modules 1&2
Fundierte Kenntnisses der Inhalte der Module 1&2
(05-BMG-GC1 Geochemical Processes; 05-BMG-GC1 Isotope Geochemistry)
Course Type 1: Project Exercise (PE) 4.0 SWS ( 56.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:56.0 h presence time
94.0 h self-study
30.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
module exam
exam elements: 1
SL: 0
100 % Presentation with written elaboration
1) Schulz, H.D. and Zabel, M., "Marine Geochemistry" Springer
2) Burdige, D.J., "Geochemistry of Marine Sediments" Princeton
3) Sarmiento, J.L. and Gruber, N., "Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics"
Basic Data
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Module Type
3. Year of Study
Offering Departement
FB5 Geosciences
Programs Using the Module
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
Course LanguageGerman and English
6 CP

PD Dr. Matthias Zabel
NW2 C2350


PD Dr. Matthias Zabel
NW2 C2350