05-BGW-EG3 Magnetic Exploration
Beauftragte/r Sebastian Uhlemann
This module covers all aspects required to plan, acquire, process, and interpret non-seismic surveying data: non-seismic geophysical methods, key petrophysical relationships, modelling and inversion of ERT and EM data, processing and visualization of magnetic data. The participants will be trained in essential fundamentals, computational methods and specialized software (Geosoft Oasis Montaj, Aarhus Workbench, ResIPy) to later be able to process, visualize and investigate their survey data. The course finishes with the participants planning a problem-specific survey. This will be followed by a five-day excursion to conduct the survey in Saxony. We will acquire geophysical and geodetic data, and may take soil and rock samples for further analysis. The course concludes with the preparation of a survey report.
- Understand the opportunities and limitations of non-seismic surveying techniques for hydrological, environmental, archaeological, and mineral exploration targets
- Design a field survey responding to a given problem
- Process, visualize, analyze, evaluate and report non-seismic survey datasets with competent use of state-of-the-art processing and modelling techniques and software packages
Grundlagen Angewandte Geophysik / Principles of Applied Geophysics
Kursform 1: Vorlesung, Übung (V+Ü) 2.0 SWS ( 28.0 h)
Kursform 2: Geländeübung (GÜ) 3.0 SWS ( 42.0 h)
Tutorium: -
Workload:70.0 h Präsenzeiten
30.0 h Selbststudium
80.0 h Prüfungsaufwand
180 h Gesamter Workload
Prüfungsleistungen: 1
Studienleistungen: 0
100 % Projektarbeitsbericht
Team report covering problem description, survey design, data acquisition, data processing, results and interpretation
1) Reynolds JM (2011) An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2) Knödel K, Lange G, Voigt H-J (2007) Environmental Geology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg
3) Powerpoint scripts und special publications made available in Stud.IP
An obligatory surveying campaign to the Erzgebirgsvorland (Saxony) is scheduled during 5 days in late July
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
3. Studienjahr
Anbietender FB
FB5 Geowissenschaften
Bachelor Marine Geosciences
Kurssprache(n)nur Englisch
6 CP

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Uhlemann
GEO 4070