Veranstalter: Tilo von Dobeneck
Discovery, description and interpretation of Earth´s magnetic field in human history
Properties, observation and description of the modern geomagnetic field
Spherical harmonic geomagnetic field analysis - internal and external sources
Exercises in measuring and calculating the local elements of the geomagnetic field
Physics, history and reconstruction of geomagnetic (paleo-)secular variation
Discovery, history and statistics of past geomagnetic field reversals
Practical exercises in magnetostratigraphic dating
Physical principles of and geological preconditions for the geodynamo
Analog and numerical geodynamo models: controlling factors, results and limitations
Introduction to solar physics and historical heliomagnetic field behavior
Structures, processes, exploration and relevance of the Earth´s magnetosphere and ionosphere
- understand the complex physical conditions and processes from the core to the magnetosphere and solar system that generate and permanently vary the geomagnetic field
- measure and calculate main field geometry, perform magnetostratigraphic dating, and analyze geodynamo model results and short-term field variations
Joint Oral modul exam (70%) after portfolio presentation (30%)
1) Merrill, McElhinny & McFadden, 1998. The Magnetic Field of the Earth - Paleomagnetism, the Core and the Deep Mantle, Academic Press
2) Lecture scripts und special publications made available in Stud.IP
1. SWS: Discovery, description and interpretation of Earth´s magnetic field in human history
2. SWS: Properties, observation and description of the modern geomagnetic field
3. SWS: Spherical harmonic geomagnetic field analysis - internal and external sources
4. SWS: Exercises in measuring and calculating the local elements of the geomagnetic field
5. SWS: Physics, history and reconstruction of geomagnetic (paleo-)secular variation
6. SWS: Discovery, history and statistics of past geomagnetic field reversals
7. SWS: Practical exercises in magnetostratigraphic dating methods of sediment sequences
8. SWS: Physical principles of and geological preconditions for the geodynamo
9. SWS: Analog and numerical geodynamo models: controlling factors, results and limitations
10. SWS: Presenting conclusions of paper reading assignments on geodynamo model runs
11. SWS: Introduction to solar physics and historical heliomagnetic field behavior
12. SWS: Structures, processes, exploration and relevance of the Earth´s magnetosphere
13. SWS: Structures, processes, phenomena and relevance of the Earth´s ionosphere
14. SWS: Practical data analysis of short-term variations of the geomagnetic field
Notebook-Pool, Tabellenkalkulation mit Excel, Programmierung mit Python
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
Seismology and Geomagnetism
Vorlesung, Übung (V+Ü)
3. Studienjahr
3 CP
Deutsch und Englisch
Polar and Marine Seismology
Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein
AWI D-3300R
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1943
vera.schlindweinawi.dePolar and Marine Seismology
Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein
AWI D-3300R
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1943
Marine Geophysics
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65311
dobeneckuni-bremen.deMarine Geophysics
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
GEO 4120R
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65311