Lecturers: Suman Pokhrel
Flame Aerosol Synthesis
Flame Aerosol Synthesis
Combustion Chemistry
Material characterization
Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
Batery Materials
Batery Fabrication Procedure
Chemical Sensors
Sensor Fabrication Procedure
High temperature particle processing, Material design for technological application, coating and nanopowder processing, nanosafety.
oral module exam
mündliche Prüfung
journal articles on the subject
1st SWS: Flame Aerosol Synthesis
2nd SWS: Flame Aerosol Synthesis
3rd SWS: Combustion Chemistry
4th SWS: Material characterization
5th SWS: Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
6th SWS: Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
7th SWS: Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
8th SWS: Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
9th SWS: Nanoparticle Model: Bio-Nano Interactions
10th SWS: Batery Materials
11th SWS: Batery Fabrication Procedure
12th SWS: Chemical Sensors
13th SWS: Sensor Fabrication Procedure
14th SWS: Discussion
Basic Data
Study Program
Master Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Name
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise (L+E)
First Year of Study
3 CP
Summer Term
Course Language
Contact Person
Dr. habil. Suman Pokhrel
IWT FZ 1500R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 51218
spokhreliwt.uni-bremen.deDr. habil. Suman Pokhrel
IWT FZ 1500R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 51218
Dr. habil. Suman Pokhrel
IWT FZ 1500R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 51218
spokhreliwt.uni-bremen.deDr. habil. Suman Pokhrel
IWT FZ 1500R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 51218