Mineral Surfaces and Reactions
Lecturers: Andreas Lüttge
This course covers the processes that govern fluid/mineral or fluid/material(or rock) interactions from low-temperature conditions up to the pressure and temperature conditions relevant for (industrial) material sciences.
An introduction will be given on various experimental techniques such as (RAMAN coupled)-Vertical Scanning Interferometry (VSI), Electron (EM, SEM, EDX) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and modelling techniques such as kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC), Molecular Dynamics (MD), Lattice Boltzmann (LB), and ab initio methods. Further on, the surface dynamics on minerals, glasses, and metals and their pivotal role in water/solid interactions will be covered.
Participants will understand the pivotal role of solid (crystal, glass, and metal) surfaces in fluid-solid interactions. They will learn how to quantify and predict crystal surface behavior in such processes and how to apply their knowledge to environmentally and material science relevant problems.
written exam
will be announced in class
1st SWS:
2nd SWS:
3rd SWS:
4th SWS:
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6th SWS:
7th SWS:
8th SWS:
9th SWS:
10th SWS:
11th SWS:
12th SWS:
13th SWS:
14th SWS:
Basic Data
Study Program
Master Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Name
Minerals & Materials
Course Type
Lecture (L)
First Year of Study
3 CP
Summer Term
Course Language
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüttge
GEO 3110R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65233
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüttge
GEO 3110R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65233
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüttge
GEO 3110R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65233
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüttge
GEO 3110R
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65233