05-MMG-PD1 Advanced Digital Competences
Representative Katrin Huhn-Frehers
This module offers for all master students a flexible organizational framework to aquire competences in advanced methods of digital data processing and programming in theory and practice. A wide range of subject-specific computer courses (mostly block courses) is offered e.g. numerical modelling, MATLAB introduction and application, times series analysis, GMT, etc. Furthermore, individual data / modelling projects related to actual research are possible on request. In order to fulfill this module, an equivalent of 6 CP has to be successfully completed.
1) develop individual solution strategies for tasks of geoscientific data processing and implement them successfully by means of suitable software
2) analyse and apply geoscientific data with given tools and techniques
3) develop a numerical model to simulate a specific geoscientific processes (e.g. sediment transport, tectonics, geodynamics, etc.)
4) competent use of computer hardware and application software
Course Type 1: block course (BK) 5.0 SWS ( 70.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:70.0 h presence time
65.0 h self-study
45.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
combination exam
exam elements: 2
SL: 0
50 % processing of tasks
50 % processing of tasks
0 % processing of tasks
will be announced during the courses
Basic Data
Master Marine Geosciences
Module Type
First Year of Study
Offering Departement
FB5 Geosciences
Course LanguageEnglish
6 CP
Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn-Frehers
MARUM2 3040
Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn-Frehers
MARUM2 3040