05-MAG-GH1 Hazard - Risk Assessment
Beauftragte/r Katrin Huhn-Frehers
Geohazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and flank collapses, and derived tsunamis, can have devastating effects on populations, economies and landscapes around the world. Understanding and developing effective and sustainable strategies to assess the risks and minimise the impacts of these hazards is and will increasingly become a major task for geoscientists. This module provides basic knowledge about the underpining geoprocesses. Such knowledge is essential in order to be able to develop sustainable strategies in the future.
1) gain an introduction and overview about submarine geohazards
2) understand earthquake mechanics and are able to compile risk maps
3) discriminate triggers of submarine landslides and analyse slope stability
4) evaluate generation modalities and impact of tsunami
Course Type 1: Lecture, Exercise (L+E) 4.0 SWS ( 56.0 h)
Tutorial(s): -
Workload:56.0 h presence time
64.0 h self-study
60.0 h exam workload
180 h total workload
module exam
exam elements: 1
SL: 0
100 % Portfolio
Stein & Wysession: An introduction to seismology, earthquakes, and earth structure
Turcotte & Schubert: Geodynamics
Loseth: Submarine mass flow sedimentation
Saito: Tsunami generation and propagation
Basic Data
Master Applied Geosciences
Module Type
First Year of Study
Offering Departement
FB5 Geosciences
Course LanguageEnglish
6 CP

Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn-Frehers
MARUM2 3040


Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn-Frehers
MARUM2 3040