05-MAG-AG2 Applied Geophysics - Projects
Beauftragte/r Volkhard Spieß
The module offers exclusively practical elements through 1) an individual data project including a semi-professional report, 2) a group field work and 3) the summary of the field work in oral and written form. The students are motivated to find their own topic for field work, organizing themselves in groups to be able to handle the total workload, organize the equipment and learning to operate the instruments, to evaluate the outcome with respect to data quality and expected results and present them in a way, which is similar to a professional work in an engineering bureau or survey company. The data projects can be work on any geophyiscal data set, where a scientist from Uni or AWI are able to provide supervision.
1) Fully design, plan and carry out a field experiment, preferrably with external partners (e.g. archeology, engineering etc.)
2) Carry out selected processing on the acquired data and summarize the results in a semi-professional manner in oral and written form
3) Carry out an individual data projects provided by any of the geophysicists working in the associated institutions or external partners
Kursform 1: Projektübung (PÜ) 4.0 SWS ( 56.0 h)
Tutorium: -
Workload:56.0 h Präsenzeiten
68.0 h Selbststudium
56.0 h Prüfungsaufwand
180 h Gesamter Workload
Prüfungsleistungen: 3
Studienleistungen: 0
50 % Hausarbeit
25 % Mündliche Gruppenprüfung
25 % Praktikumsbericht
Field work is carried out in groups, and results are presented orally and in written form by the group. A data project is chosen and graded individually through a report.
Literature is suggested by the supervisors of the data and site projects.
Master Applied Geosciences
1. Studienjahr
Anbietender FB
Kurssprache(n)Deutsch und Englisch
6 CP
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß
GEO 4550
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß
GEO 4550