Geological Methods of Basin Analysis
Lecturers: Frank Lisker, Cornelia Spiegel-Behnke
- Key concepts for basin analysis
- Petrography and microscopy
- AFT and AHe thermochronology
- Clay mineralogy
- VR reflectance
- Tectonic structures in sedimentary basins
- Geological and geophysical data in basin analysis
- Basics of Basin Modelling
- theoretical knowledge and practical expertise needed for the study of sedimentary basins
- use different techniques to obtain the information recorded in the basin-fill
- perform thermochronological analyses and convert the data in thermal history indormation
- derive burial, maturation and exhumation scenarios from temperature-time constraints
- use the knowledge as support for stratigraphic or other geological studies
- use simple software to model aspects of basin evolution
Essay about conceptual or applied aspects of upper crustal dynamics and basin analysis
Allen & Allen (2013) Basin Analysis: Principles and Application to Petroleum Play Assessment, Wiley
Malusa & Fitzgerald (2018) Fission Track thermochronology and its applications to Geology, Springer
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SELECT stud_einheiten.number, stud_modulbereiche2020.sjahr,,stud_einheiten.ects, stud_einheiten.sws,, stud_einheiten.semester, fEnglish, ,lang_de, lang_en, lang_eingabe, stud_einheiten.workload_info, ansprechpartner , stud_einheiten.beschreibung_EN, stud_einheiten.ziel_EN, bewertung_EN, literatur_EN, default_lan FROM stud_einheiten, stud_modul_einheit2020, stud_module2020, stud_modulbereiche2020, stud_studiengaenge WHERE stud_einheiten.autowert='7661' AND stud_modul_einheit2020.einheit_ID = stud_einheiten.autowert AND stud_module2020.modul_ID = stud_modul_einheit2020.modul_ID AND stud_modulbereiche2020.modulbereich_ID = stud_module2020.modulbereich_ID and stud_studiengaenge.studiengang_ID = stud_modulbereiche2020.studiengang_main_ID