Introduction to Glaciology
Lecturers: Angelika Humbert
In this course we will study both, glaciological processes, as well as ice sheets as a system. Thus, the topics range from the deformation and structure of ice on the micro scale to the large scale dynamics of ice sheets, streams and ice shelves. Lots of examples allow the students to derive and understanding of the entire system Antarctica, ranging from its thermal structure and snow accumulation to the effects of climate change on the stability of ice sheets. The course contains cross-links to field observations and remote sensing observations of ice.
After successful completion of the course, students will have acquired …
a) an understanding of
- the dynamics of ice sheets, streams, ice shelves and glaciers
- the ice-atmosphere, ice-ocean and ice-lithosphere interaction
- the role of ice sheets in the climate system, their mass balance and the stability of ice sheets and shelves
- glaciological processes, e.g. calving and sliding
b) experience in
- assessing the changes of a major ice sheet, e.g. Antarctica
- deriving concepts for studying the dynamics of ice sheets, streams and ice shelves
oral exam
Cuffey&Patterson, Physics of Glaciers, 2010
Benn & Evans, ‘Glaciers and Glaciation’, 2010
course manuscript
1st SWS: Introduction to the field of glaciology
2nd SWS: Transformation snow to ice and structure of ice
3rd SWS: Deformation of ice
4th SWS: Flow law
5th SWS: Flow dynamics
6th SWS: Ice-atmosphere interaction
7th SWS: ice-ocean interaction
8th SWS: Ice-lithosphere interaction
9th SWS: Ice sheet hydrology
10th SWS: Calving and fracture mechanics
11th SWS: Ice sheet hydrology
12th SWS: Mass balance of ice sheets
13th SWS: Changes in ice sheets and ice shelves
14th SWS: exam
Basic Data
Study Program
Master Applied Geosciences
Module Name
Glaciology I
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise (L+E)
1. Year of Study
4 CP
Course Language
Contact Person
Glaziologie Eisschildmodellierung
Prof. Dr. Angelika Humbert
AWI D-3400R
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1834
Angelika.Humbertawi.deGlaziologie Eisschildmodellierung
Prof. Dr. Angelika Humbert
AWI D-3400R
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1834
Glaziologie Eisschildmodellierung
Prof. Dr. Angelika Humbert
AWI D-3400R
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1834
Angelika.Humbertawi.deGlaziologie Eisschildmodellierung
Prof. Dr. Angelika Humbert
AWI D-3400R
Phone: +49 471 4831 - 1834