Veranstalter: Vera Schlindwein
Introduction to seismology
Principles of stress and deformation, Hooke´s law
The seismic wave equation and properties of seismic wave fields
Wave propagation through the Earth, shadow zones and earthquake phases
Location of earthquakes
Exercise on earthquake location
Focal mechanism of earthquakes
Exercise on focal mechanism
Magnitudes of earthquakes
Exercise on magnitudes of earthquakes
Seismicity of the Earth
Exercise on earthquake catalogues
Earthquakes and society
- comprehend and apply the properties and the propagation of seismic wave fields emitted by earthquakes
- locate the hypocentre of an earthquake, calculate its magnitude, determine the focal mechanism and use earthquake catalogues
Joint Oral modul exam (70%) after portfolio presentation (30%)
mündliche Prüfung
1) Lowrie, 2007. Fundamentals of geophysics, Cambridge University Press
2) Stein and Wysession, 2003. An introduction to seismology, earthquakes, and earth structure, Blackwell Publishing
1. SWS: Introduction to seismology
2. SWS: Seismometry
3. SWS: Principles of stress and deformation, Hooke´s law
4. SWS: The seismic wave equation and properties of seismic wave fields
5. SWS: Wave propagation through the Earth, shadow zones and earthquake phases
6. SWS: Location of earthquakes
7. SWS: Exercise on earthquake location
8. SWS: Focal mechanism of earthquakes
9. SWS: Exercise on focal mechanism
10. SWS: Magnitudes of earthquakes
11. SWS: Exercise on magnitudes of earthquakes
12. SWS: Seismicity of the Earth
13. SWS: Exercise on earthquake catalogues
14. SWS: Earthquakes and society
Notebook-Pool, Kartenerstellung mit GMT
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
Seismology and Geomagnetism
Vorlesung, Übung (V+Ü)
3. Studienjahr
3 CP
Deutsch und Englisch
Polare und Marine Seismologie
Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein
AWI D-3300R
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1943
vera.schlindweinawi.dePolare und Marine Seismologie
Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein
AWI D-3300R
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1943
Polare und Marine Seismologie
Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein
AWI D-3300R
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1943
vera.schlindweinawi.dePolare und Marine Seismologie
Prof. Dr. Vera Schlindwein
AWI D-3300R
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1943