Geodynamic and Plate Tectonic Principles
Veranstalter: Karsten Gohl
This modul teaches the geodynamic and geophysical fundamentals of plate-kinematic and plate-tectonic processes on Earth. This includes an understanding of the major geodynamic cycles from crustal generation at divergent plate boundaries of oceanic and continental rifts to crustal accretion and subduction at convergent plate boundaries, including the underlying driving mechanisms and forces. All components of this cycle will be investigated by assessing geophysical evidence. The students will learn about the geometrical principles of plate-kinematics and apply these in practical exercises. They will learn to visualize, apply and test plate reconstructions by using the software GPlates. In addition to the lecture and exercises, the students will select individual project topics to focus on particular regions or geodynamic processes of interest and will present an oral and written report.
(1) Understand fundamental geodynamic processes from the core to crust;
(2) Apply plate-kinematic principles for regional and global tectonic reconstructions;
(3) Analyse geophysical evidence for tectonic plates types, plate boundaries and crustal characteristics from crustal generation to subduction;
(4) Use specialized software (GPlates) to test existing and generate new plate-tectonic motion models
The students will select individual project topics to focus on particular regions or geodynamic processes of interest and will present an oral and written report. The oral presentation of 15 minutes and the written report of 5-6 pages (plus figures and references) will each count 50 percent of the final grade for this module.
Referat mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung
(1) Fowler, C.M.R. (2005 or younger issues). The Solid Earth. Cambridge University Press;
(2) Frisch, W. and Meschede, M. (2009). Plattentektonik: Kontinentverschiebung und Gebirgsbildung. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (German and English versions);
(3) Cox, A. and Hart, R.B. (1986). Plate tectonics: How it works. Blackwell;
(4) Lecture scripts and special publications are made available in Stud.IP.
1. SWS: Introduction to modern geodynamics; history and principles of the plate tectonic theory; introduction of project topics
2. SWS: Understanding of Earth´s structure and composition from geophysical evidence; introduction GPlates software
3. SWS: Geometrical principles of plate-kinematics; plate rotations on a plane and sphere; exercises
4. SWS: Geometrical principles of plate-kinematics; plate rotations on a plane and sphere; exercises
5. SWS: Rift to drift: evolution and structure of continental rifts, passive margins, and ocean spreading; exercises; GPlates tutorial
6. SWS: Rift to drift: evolution and structure of continental rifts, passive margins, spreading and ocean crust; exercises; GPlates tutorial
7. SWS: Collision: active plate boundaries and subduction processes; exercises; GPlates tutorial
8. SWS: Collision: active plate boundaries and subduction processes; exercises; GPlates tutorial
9. SWS: Driving processes: mantle convection and plate forces; exercises; GPlates tutorial
10. SWS: Regional and global plate reconstructions; paleogeography and paleotopography; exercises
11. SWS: Regional and global plate reconstructions; relevance for paleoclimate studies; exercises
12. SWS: Presentations of project studies with open discussion
13. SWS: Presentations of project studies with open discussion
14. SWS: Presentations of project studies with open discussion
Bachelor Geowissenschaften
Geodynamic and Plate Tectonic Principles
Vorlesung, Übung, Seminar (V+Ü+S)
2. Studienjahr
6 CP
Deutsch und Englisch

Geophysik der Polargebiete
Prof. Dr. Karsten Gohl
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1361

Geophysik der Polargebiete
Prof. Dr. Karsten Gohl
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1361

Geophysik der Polargebiete
Prof. Dr. Karsten Gohl
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1361

Geophysik der Polargebiete
Prof. Dr. Karsten Gohl
Tel.: +49 471 4831 - 1361