Geosciences Working Group

Geosciences Working Group
Since the year 1958 the Geosciences Working Group offers laymen a public space for information about fossils, rocks and minerals, including the possibility to join talks about this topic. During the early years this event took place in the Überseemuseum, but since 1994 the Faculty 5 is hosting the meetings. They take place on each second Thursday of each month in the `MARUM` building on the campus of the university. At the start at 7 p.m. there is the possibility to get specimens determined by experts and at 7.30 p.m. a generally comprehensive talk commences, either by a scientist of Bremen university, another institution or by an amateur lecturer. The meetings allow the exchange of experience and it is possible to ask a specialist, simply get in contact with people or to get a deep insight into the working processes and topics of research at the Faculty of Geosciences. Thus the meetings are ideal also for beginners for an easy access to science. Additionally, excursions with scientific mentoring are offered, members of the Bremen Natural History Association are welcome here as well as other participants are.

Friends of the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen
The booster club Friends of the Geosciences Collection of the University of Bremen e. V. (Freunde der Geowissenschaftlichen Sammlung der Universität Bremen e. V.“) intends an active support of geology and palaeontology in the Bremen area by private citizens. The club originally originates from the Geosciences Working Group (Geowissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreis) and the development of the collection is realised by raising private funding. In fact donations and donations in kind of collections, or scientifically interesting single specimens, add significantly to the stock of the collection. The membership dues and donations allow to purchase scientifically valuable specimens as well as technical equipment. Furthermore, it is intended to intensify the display and presentation of specimens in the public. The club is also offering guided tours to research facilities, exhibitions and excursions.

Geosciences Collection
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
GEO 5040

Geosciences Collection
Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann
GEO 5040