Tenure-track Junior Professorship in Sedimentology now offered

The federal government has decided to spend 1 billion euros until 2032 for the temporary funding of 1000 tenure-track professorships in Germany. This program for the promotion of young researchers shall contribute to making career paths in academia more projectable and transparent. These tenure-track positions provide for a direct transition to a lifetime professorship after a successfully completed 6-year probationary period. In the first funding round, 468 tenure-track professorships for 34 universities were granted, among these 7 for our university. One such position is now offered as Junior Professorship in Sedimentology at the Faculty of Geosciences (application deadline 11.05.2018). The research focus may involve aspects such as the analysis of sedimentary processes at any spatial and temporal scale, the study of the large-scale architecture of sedimentary bodies or the analysis of microscopic sedimentary structures.
Further information:
Prof. Michal Kucera
Phone: 49 421 218 - 65970
e-Mail: mkucera@marum.de