Master Program Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Master Program Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
In General
In the program Master Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy examinations are normally offered at the end of the lecture period. Homework, presentations, reports, etc. may apply throughout the semester. The exact exam dates will be communicated at the beginning of the lecture period.
Exam types
Each module concludes with a module mark. The module examination may consist of one or more exams (graded) and / or academic achievements (not graded). For details, in particular the number, type and scope of performance records and their weighting in the calculation of the module mark are defined in the module description.
Module Exam:A module is completed with a single examination or coursework. If the exam is graded, the mark counts with 100% for the module grade. Concludes a module with "passed" or "not passed", this module is not included in the calculation of the final Master grade.
Combined Marks: A module examination may conclude with a combination of tests and coursework. Each performance within a combination examination must be passed. The module-grade calculation is up to the module coordinator. Only the module grade is visible in Pabo.
Course marks: The module grade can also consist of exams taken in the individual courses within modules. Each exam counts for the module grade in the amount of the credit score of its course in Pabo.
Only those who have registered in time can take part in exams. Login and logout periods for each test are given in Pabo.
In case of illness address immediately to the examination office (s. contact) and submit as soon as possible the application to an exam cancellation due to illness with a doctor`s certificate.
If you want to study more modules than needed as a voluntary additional performance, please address to the examination office, too.
All minor and guest students need to address directly to the lecturers for being registered for the examination.
With the first application for an examination of a module starts a period with a total of 5 semesters in which the entire module has to be successfully completed. If the deadline has passed without having completed the module`s exams, the compulsory deregistration will follow. Cancellation of registration for an exam in case of illness as well as holiday semesters are not counted.
Irrespectively you must register for any further exam-try you would like to take.
useful links
Examination Office Master Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Anabel Lafferty
GEO 1170
Examination Office Master Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Anabel Lafferty
GEO 1170