Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium
Vier Kurzvorträge (à 20 Minuten) über attraktive geowissenschaftliche Aspekte Kolumbiens
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Aldo Rincon (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia) and Students
Ort: Hörsaal GEO 1550Beginn: 25.10.2023 12:15 Uhr
Kategorie: Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium
We make a tour through the geology of Colombia and climate while analyzing how these characteristics are related to the rock cropping out in Colombia. Our geographic location influences the soil quality in which we plant our delicious and famous coffee.
Alanis Osorio and Jhon Hernández: "Energy transition: Colombia’s role in renewables energies"
Within the framework of the transition from CO2 producing technologies to renewable energies generation other than fossil fuels, Colombia has a large potential as a pioneer country in terms of electricity production through natural resources. We make a summary of all the methods used in Colombia.
Juan Camilo Perdomo: "San Agustin statues: A bridge between the ancestry and the geology around the Colombian massif"
Any journey into Colombia`s ancestral origins takes you to the Colombian Massif, a mysterious region of impressive landscapes, green valleys and volcanoes. Enigmatic lost cultures left messages pointing to ancient sacred rivers. An archaeological area near San Agustín (Southern Colombia) has statues which rarity impacts the tourists while record pre-Columbian cultures. These cultures inhabited an ancestral territory with a volcanic tuff geological history used for constructing the statues.
Prof. Dr. Aldo Rincón: "The scientific method as a tool for outreach in northern Colombia"
Artistic and hands-on outreach activities applied to mining communities near Barranquilla (Colombia) open an opportunity for geoconservation of paleontological heritage. Fossils, or symbols of an ancient landscape, are part of the geological heritage and are protected by Decree 1353/2018 of the Colombian Geological Survey (SGC).