Three international geoscientic MSc programs on offer
Personalized aptitude tests are downloadable now until February 25th
Are you interested in applying to an international MSc program in Applied Geosciences, Marine Geosciences or Materials Science Chemistry and Mineralogy at the University of Bremen? Our geoscientific MSc study programs, which were refocused on new, future-oriented topics in 2021, are now starting their third round of applications! Currently and until February 28, you can apply in the MOIN application portal (My Online Information Network) of the University of Bremen with start of study winter semester 2023/24, and register until February 25 for the required successful aptitude test at our online test portal.
In order to evaluate all applications to our MSc programs in a uniform manner and to ensure sufficient basic knowledge for productive and level-appropriate studies, our faculty relies on a successfully completed online aptitude test for admission to the MSc programs Applied Geosciences and Marine Geosciences. Personalized test sheets can now be downloaded here after registration; answers are to be uploaded within the following 3 days (72 hours). The test result is automatically determined and certified. Only one participation is possible per academic year.
Further informations:
Dr. Ulrike Wolf-Brozio
Phone: +49 421 218 - 65004