05-MCM-3-W7M Special Topics in Materials Science
Representative: Reinhard X. Fischer
Advanced and up-to-date methods and concepts in materials science.
Most recent techniques such as flame spray pyrolysis will be presented in theory and practice:
- zeolite systematics
- crystal chemical characteristics of zeolites
- natural zeolites
- synthetic zeolites
- zeolite synthesis
- cation exchange
- zeolite properties
- zeolite characterization by thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction
Students will be able to understand processes involved in the production of
advanced materials. Specifically the students will achieve the following skills
- they will be able to produce advanced materials with up-to-date techniques such as flame spray pyrolysis.
- they will be able to synthesize microporoues aluminosilicates
- they will be able to modify zeolites by cation exchange
- they will be able to characterize nanoporous materials
180 hours / 6 CP
Lectures and exercises
• lecture and exercises time (4 SWS x 14 weeks) 56 h
• time for preparation and post processing 84 h
• time for exams and preparation 40 h
module exam (one mark): written exam
Literature• Szostak: Molecular sieves. Principles of synthesis and identification. van Nostrand Reinhold
• Gottardi, Galli: Natural zeolites. Springer
• van Bekkum, Flanigan, Jansen: Introduction to zeolite science and practice. Elsevier
• Bish, Ming: Natural zeolites, occurrence, properties, applications. Min. Soc. America, Rev. in Mineralogy & Geochemistry Vol 45.
• Wright: Microporous framework solids. Royal Soc. Chemistry
• Wong: Handbook of zeolites, structure, properties, and applications
Basic data
Master of Science Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Type
Second Year of Study
Teaching Language:
Prof. Dr. Reinhard X. Fischer
GEO 5080
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65164