05-MCM-1-P5 Materials Science
Representatives: Reinhard X. Fischer, Andreas Lüttge
- Fundamentals in materials science
- Specific, exemplary applications
- Interpretation of phase diagrams
- Crystallization paths
- Melting processes
- Solid solutions
- Phase transformations
The students will be able to understand the basic principles in materials science and they will be able to understand and to design syntheses processes.
After finishing the module the students will be able
- to design syntheses routes for materials
- to distinguish between congruent and incongruent melting processes
- to estimate and quantify phase compositions from phase diagrams
- to derive phase diagrams from heating and cooling processes
- to predict phase reactions
There are no specific requirements except general knowledge in science basics
180 hours / 6 CP
Introduction to Materials Science
• time for lectures and excercises (2 SWS x 14 weeks) 28 h
• time for preparation and post processing 38 h
• time for exams and preparation 24 h
Phase diagrams
• time for lectures and excercises (2 SWS x 14 weeks) 28 h
• time for preparation and post processing 40 h
• time for exams and preparation 22 h
module exam (one mark): written exam
LiteratureF. Tamás, I. Pál: Phase Equilibria Spatial Diagrams
R. Powell: Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Petrology
T. Gasparik: Phase Diagrams for Geoscientists
A. Putnis: Introduction to Mineral Sciences
B. Predel, M. Hoch, M. Pool: Phase Diagrams and Heterogeneous Equilibria
Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, Amer. Ceram. Soc. (PDC)
Basic data
Master of Science Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Type
First Year of Study
Teaching Language:
Prof. Dr. Reinhard X. Fischer
GEO 5080
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüttge
GEO 3110