Mineral Deposits and Isotope Geochemistry
Lecturers: Simone Kasemann
The students receive training in fundamentals of ore deposits formed in a wide variety of geological environments and the relevant mining and mineral exploration technologies. The emphasis is on science skills required for mining and exploration and includes
- macroscopic examination and identification of minerals and rocks
- reflected light microscopy for identifying ore minerals
- determination of geochemical and phase relations of common sulphide and oxide minerals
- stable and radiogenic isotope techniques and methods to constrain ore formation and mineral exploration
At the end of the lecture the students will have insights into the relationship of mineral deposits to petrological processes and geological settings. They will be able to identify principal types of mineral deposits from mineral associations and their relationship to common rock associations and conditions of formation. The students will also be able to use reflected light microscopy for identifying ore minerals and will have knowledge about isotope geochemical techniques to determine ore formation processes and to support mineral exploration.
Basic Data
Study Program
Master of Science Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Name
Petrology and Isotope Geochemistry
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise, Practical Course
Second Year of Study
3 CP
Winter Term
Prof. Dr. Simone Kasemann
MARUM1 1220
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65930