Modification and Characterisation of Material Surfaces for Biotechnological Applications
Lecturers: Dorothea Brüggemann
This course addresses students in Material Science, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering interested in getting introduced to the basic aspects of surface properties, surface modification techniques and surface characterisation techniques that are relevant for the field of biomaterials and biosensors. In this course basic concepts and technologically relevant techniques for the functionalisation of different materials (ceramic materials, metals and polymers) for biomaterials purposes will be presented. Relevant techniques for material analysis as well as characterisation of material surfaces will be discussed.
Students will be able to understand surface characterisation by microscopic and spetroscopivcmethods and will have obtained a basic knowledge in Physico-Chemical Modification, Spray Coating, Lithography, including surface modification by soft lithography, printing, and biomolecules.
oral exam
Ratner B. D., Hoffmann A. S. et al, An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Elsevier ISBN 0-12-582463-7
Wintermantel E., Medizintechnik Life Science Engineering, Springer ISBN 978-3-540-93935-1
Temenoff J.S., Mikos Antonios G., Biomaterials: the intersection of biology and materials science, Pearson Prentice Hall ISBN 978-0-13-009710-1
Hawkes P.W., Spence J.C.H., Science of Microscopy, Springer ISBN 0-387-25296-7
Lottspeich F., Bioanalytik, Spektrum ISBN 978-3-8274-1520-2
Basic Data
Study Program
Master of Science Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Name
Functional Ceramics
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise
First Year of Study
3 CP
Summer Term
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Brüggemann
NW1 O 4060
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 62286