X-ray Diffraction & Rietveld Analysis
Lecturers: Johannes Birkenstock
Beginning with most fundamental concepts of scattering and diffraction phenomena the diffraction data produced from crystalline samples will be explained in detail. Modern X-ray diffraction methods will be covered as well as up-to-date Rietveld analysis of such data. Typical targets are identification of crystalline phases (crystalline solids of different compositions and structures), quantitative phase analyses, determination of crystal sizes and lattice strains from diffraction data and crystal structure analyses. Special techniques related to these analyses such as Le Bail's method and quantification without structure models will also be covered.
The students will learn to understand the background for diffraction methods from a most fundamental level to very specific aspects. Students will be able to apply the Rietveld method to analyse X-ray diffraction data of powder samples.
written exam and written report on your own Rietveld analysis
written exam
1. Rietveld's initial papers
- Rietveld (1967), Acta Cryst. 22, 151-152
- Rietveld (1969), J. Appl. Cryst. 2, 65-71.
2. Some introductory articles to the Rietveld method
- Albinatti, Willis (1982), J. Appl. Cryst., 15, 361-374.
- Mc Cusker et al. (1999), J. Appl. Cryst., 32, 36-50.
3. Comprehensive Rietveld book
- Young (ed.) (1995), The Rietveld method, IUCr Monographs on Crystallography 5, 298 S.
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Basic Data
Study Program
Master of Science Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Name
Course Type
Lecture, Exercise
First Year of Study
3 CP
Winter Term
Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Dr. Johannes Birkenstock
GEO 2300
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 65165