Master Thesis
Lecturers: Andreas Lüttge
After the second semester, students are encouraged to start developing ideas for their master thesis, usually in close cooperation with one of the research groups in mineralogy and chemistry or cooperating groups in materials science. During the research projects in the third semester, the topic of the thesis work will be defined clearly. The forth semester is dedicated to thesis work. Supervised by a lecturer each student will perform an independent scientific study and prepare a thesis.
Students will be able to prepare and realize an independent scientific project. This includes literature research, sample preparation and characterization, data processing and interpretation, and preparation of a written thesis.
Students will have the ability to present and defend their results.
Students have 22 weeks to finalize their thesis. Thesis work may be a laboratory experiment or a project outside the university, e.g. in collaboration with industry.
Students have to submit three hardcover copies and one digital copy of their thesis to the examination office (Susanne Steinfeld). Examiners have to evaluate and grade the thesis within eight weeks. In a final colloquium, the student has to present and defend his/her thesis. The duration of the colloquium will be 45 to 60 minutes. For a successful completion of the Master thesis and the colloquium students earn 30 CP. A failed Master thesis can only be repeated once.
master thesis
Basic Data
Study Program
Master of Science Marine Geosciences
Module Name
Master Thesis
Course Type
Second Year of Study
30 CP
22 we SWS
Summer Term
Ehemalige Professoren
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lüttge