Bremen Polarstern expedition in the Google Arts
With extraordinary photographs, 360 degree images, videos, interviews and reports, the expedition of the research vessel POLARSTERN takes us to the waters around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Volcanic Islands. The mission: Exploring the ocean bottom in the Antarctic waters to investigate hot and cold vents, because little is known about the seabed in this difficult-to-access area. A premiere this time: During the trip with the research icebreaker POLARSTERN, which is the focus of the “Into the Deep” project, the researchers deployed the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST in Antarctic waters and to visually survey the ocean floor, gather critical data and take samples for future studies.The ocean between Picasso and Monet. Marine researchers in the world´s largest digital museum. In more than 20 online exhibitions, an international team of researches takes the visitors to an expedition on the internet platform Google Arts
Further informations:
Gerhard Bohrmann
Phone: 0421-218-65050