Remote access to computers for teaching at FB5 (geo-rds)

The Department of Geosciences (FB5) offers remote access to computers to enable students to work with non-free programs from home, if required for their studies.


Your university account has to be added to a list of users who are allowed to access the geo-rds network.

  1. Tell your Uni Bremen account "" to your lecturer .
  2. After some delay you will receive an email (Subject: [ZfN] Gruppenteilnahme) which asks you to verify your wish to become a member of group "geovdi_user". Click the verification link in the mail to do so.
  3. You will receive an other mail informing you on your domain user account for the remote computer and a link to your password. The link will expire within a few days and can be viewed only once. Those computer accounts will be different and not connected to your university account.
  4. Download the appropriate VPN client from ZfN and follow installation instructions.

To visit the links below you must be connected to the network of Uni Bremen, either directly or via VPN.

There are two types of computers with remote access for students:
  1. One Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) . All users of geo-rds will be allowed to access this machine (Windows Server 2019). All users get a personal desktop, but share the same machine. It is intended for tasks which require little resources like CPU cores and memory.
    Valid user accounts: rdsuserXX and vdiuserXX

  2. Several Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) machines . Only users with high demand of computing power (CPU/RAM) and/or special programs (Kingdom, VISTA) will have access to those Windows 10 machines with one user per machine.
    Valid user accounts: vdiuserXX

The user profiles on all machines will allow up to 10GB per user only. Bigger data should go to the Fileservers.
Contact: Andreas Manschke and Heike Piero

14 September 2023