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Start arrow Phase II (2009 - 2011) arrow Project II-2 - COIN
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Schematic representation of the project activities. Solid arrows are for a work within the project (Work Packages 1 to 4), dashed arrows are for simulations/data already done or in progress. Background: EPICA and Vostok ice core data on CO2 and δD after Siegenthaler et al. (2005).

Late Quaternary interglacials were characterized by varying amplitudes and different patterns of changes in climate, vegetation cover, and atmospheric CO2. Within this project, we will provide quantitative reconstructions of the previous interglacials using a hierarchy of Earth System models and compare model results with already available and newly delivered ice core and terrestrial archives. A main goal of the COIN project is to analyze the differences between late Quaternary interglacials using an integrated data-model approach focusing on understanding the mechanisms behind those differences. The importance of feedbacks between land cover and climate will be addressed with multi-millennial simulations of a coarse-resolution EMIC, CLIMBER2-LPJ, and with time-slice simulations of the high-resolution state-of-the-art model CCSM 3.0. These simulations will be compared with reconstructions of interglacial vegetation dynamics based on long-term pollen proxy records, for instance, from Lake Baikal. To analyze a role of land cover changes in the atmospheric CO2 dynamics, we will exploit data on Holocene and Eemian atmospheric δ13CO2 as derived from Antarctic ice cores. 

Quantitative assessment of a role of different climatic mechanisms and feedbacks during the previous interglacials will be utilized later to better constrain the Earth system models used for future climate projections.

During the first phase of COIN, we focused in the Holocene, the Eemian, and MIS 11. In the second phase we will investigate the cooler interglacials before the Mid-Brunhes-Event, focusing on MIS 13 and MIS 15.


Climate modelling, Carbon cycle and isotope modelling, Ice core analysis, Quantitative paleo-climate reconstructions, Feedback Analysis

Ice core records, Lake records



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