05-MCM-2-W5C Introduction to Technical Chemistry
Representative: Andreas Lüttge
The module will cover the following topics:
- chemical reactions: thermodynamics
- yields and reactor design: continuous and discontinuous reactor types, industrial reactors, estimation of costs
- macro kinetics: ideal and real reactors, residence time spectrum, dispersion model
After attending the module, the participants shall...
- be able to differentiate between several reactor types used in the lab and in industry
- predict the residence time spectrum of different reactor types
- estimate when a special reactor type is better suited than another one
The module will be taught in German.
180 hours / 6 CP
Technical conduction of reactions:
- time for lectures and exercises 28 h
- time for preparation and post processing 54 h
Laboratory exercise
- experiments (3 x 8 h) 24 h
- analysis and report 24 h
- time for lectures and exercises (0.5 SWS) 7 h
- preparation presentation 20 h
Preparation exams 23 h
module exam (combined marks):
written exam | not graded |